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Preterm Labor
The information on this site is provided by Adeza from there website at
Signs, Symptoms, and Risk Factors
It is important to note that half of preterm babies are born to women who had no risk factors for preterm birth.
Signs and Symptoms of Preterm Labor
- Regular or frequent contractions (4 times every 20 minutes or 8 or more in an hour)
- Low, dull back pain (constant)
- Menstrual-like cramps
- Uterine tightening (often painless)
- Abdominal cramps (intermittent), with or without diarrhea
- Change in vaginal discharge (increase, or becoming clear, bloody or mucous-like)
- Ruptured membranes (water breaks with a gush, or sometimes a trickle, of fluid)
- Feeling pressure on the pelvis, as though the baby is pushing downward
If you have any of these signs or symptoms any time during your pregnancy, contact your doctor immediately.
Risk Factors for Preterm Labor
Factors that may indicate increased likelihood of preterm labor include:
- Prior preterm birth
- Stress (excessive stress beyond normal levels)
- Long periods of standing
- Infection while pregnant (especially vaginal, bladder or urinary infections)
- Abnormal uterus or cervix
- African American heritage (African American women in the U.S. have a 17.6% rate of premature birth, as compared to 12.1% for all races. The reason for this increased rate has not been determined)
- Carrying twins, triplets or more babies
- Abdominal surgery while pregnant
- Low pre-pregnancy weight (less than 19.8 BMI)
- Smoking while pregnant
- Prior elevated Fetal Fibronectin Test or fFN
- Gestational diabetes
- Hypertension
There are other signs and symptoms, and risk factors. You can ask your doctor for more details.
The Fetal Fibronectin Test
What is FullTerm™, The Fetal Fibronectin Test?
FullTerm™, The Fetal Fibronectin Test is a test that measures the amount of fetal fibronectin in your vagina. Fetal fibronectin is like a “glue” that your body produces to help hold the baby in place in your womb. Normally, from 22 to 35 weeks gestation only a very tiny amount of this “glue” is found in the vagina. Around 35 weeks the amount starts to increase, probably because your body is preparing to give birth.
Why is knowing my fetal fibronectin test result important?
We know you want to do everything you can to help protect your baby. That is why the following fact is so important: the majority of women who have a FullTerm™, The Fetal Fibronectin Test will have normal results. This can be very reassuring! Also, over 99.5% of women with signs and symptoms of preterm birth who have a normal (negative) fetal fibronectin result will not have their baby within the next 7 days. Moreover, in studies of women with risk factors but no symptoms and a normal test result when measured at 22-24 weeks had a less than 1% chance of delivering within the next 4 weeks.
As some of the women who have had the test told us, a normal (negative) result gave them great "peace of mind".
An elevated (positive) fetal fibronectin result does not always mean the baby will be born preterm. However, women who test positive are at significantly higher risk for preterm birth. Knowing your fetal fibronectin is elevated can help you and your doctor manage your pregnancy and keep your baby in your womb as long as possible. Your doctor has options and may prescribe treatments like bed rest, tocolytic drugs, or corticosteroids. Every extra day in the womb helps your baby's organs grow.
How is FullTerm™, The Fetal Fibronectin Test done?
FullTerm™, The Fetal Fibronectin Test is simple. It is somewhat like a Pap smear. Your doctor or nurse-midwife takes a swab of the secretions in your vagina near the cervix. It is a non-invasive test; no blood is drawn.
When should I get FullTerm™, The Fetal Fibronectin Test?
The test can be performed from 22 to 35 weeks gestation.
Is the test FDA approved?
Are there any side effects to FullTerm™, The Fetal Fibronectin Test?
No, the test is done like a Pap smear, there are no side effects to the test.
How accurate is FullTerm™, The Fetal Fibronectin Test?
FullTerm™, The Fetal Fibronectin Test is the single strongest independent predictor of preterm birth risk at less than 32 weeks.
Can I have the test more than once?
Yes. It can be taken multiple times from 22 to 35 weeks gestation.
If I went to the hospital and they did a FullTerm™, The Fetal Fibronectin Test, should I ask my doctor for another test at my next visit?
To learn more information on the Ffn contact:
Heather H. Doolittle
fFN Senior Sales Specialist
Adeza Biomedical Corporation
C: 504.578.8746
VM: 888.567.3817 x675
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