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Meet-up Group

Page history last edited by PBworks 18 years, 2 months ago

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Please note that this meet-up group is not associated directly with this resource site.




To visit this group site go here

This meet-up group is sponsored by Gentle Choices Birth Center


Do you want to meet other famlies that also feel strongly in attempting a natural birth? Do you want to get to know other parents and birthing professionals and chat about what choices you have for childbirth options in this state? Then come to one of the monthly meet-ups. To learn more visit the site above.



Their goal : to provide resources and support for families which will allow them the best birth possible for their situation.


Their Philosophy : We envision birth as a natural process which requires great inner strength and surrender, yet needs minimal outside assistance. The woman's body is wonderfully made to develop and bring forth this new being. Still, we recognize that for some women, due to unchosen circumstances, unmedicated birth is not desirable. We do not claim to be better than those women who must seek surgical births; we simply hold up the standard of natural birth (vaginal, unmedicated labor and delivery) as most desireable for mother and child .

Each child's birth is a moment that a mother will remember for ever. Thus it should be a moment of beauty, intimacy, and sacredness that is treasured and shared with joy; too often it is a grievous story of fear, helplessness, and manipulation that is dreaded and told with lamentation. We encourage families to take responsibility for their birth experiences -- ask questions, make informed choices, anticipate a wonderful birth experience, and share all these with other group members at the next monthly Natural Birth Meetup!

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