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Letters to protect the rights

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Saved by PBworks
on October 11, 2006 at 12:06:53 am

Louisiana Licensed Midwives Need Your Help!


Dear Friends,


This message is a call to action – your letters are needed! Please don't be put off the length – this message includes all the information you need. Letters are needed as soon as possible. You do not have to live in Louisiana to write a letter!!



First, you should read the letter below from Louisiana midwife Kathy Acree which describes the situation and the issues. Basically, the Louisiana Board of Medical Examiners has developed its own suggestions for rules changes (rather than working with the suggestions from the official Midwifery Advisory Committee). These suggested changes would restrict Licensed Midwives and decrease access for consumers. The Louisiana Licensed Midwives are asking for letters to be written so that the members of the Board of Medical Examiners and other key people will hear from YOU that specific rules changes (described below) should not be enacted.


You don't have to live in Louisiana. Whenever a state enacts more restrictive rules it sets a precedent that can affect other states. Even if you don't live in Louisiana, or even know anyone who lives there, you have friends or family members who might live there in the future and want to have a midwife, and you can mention that in your letter.


In addition to Kathy's letter, below you will find a sample letter and a list of people who should receive letters. Do NOT copy the letter verbatim! Write your own letter, in your own words! It does not have to be as long as the sample, and it does not even have to cover all the points. You can write one letter to the President of the Board, and send a copy with a brief handwritten cover note to the other people on the list, or you can send the same letter to all the people. If you feel you cannot send letters to everyone, there are four most important people listed first. If you can send a few more letters, write to the other members of the Board of Medical Examiners. If you can write to everyone on the list, terrific!!


In addition, the president of Louisiana Midwives Association has set up a petition online. If you feel you cannot write letters to the board members, please consider signing the petition at: http://www.thepetitionsite.com/takeaction/213783958"http://www.thepetitionsite.com/takeaction/213783958 You may sign anonymously.


Please feel free to forward this message to as many people as you can! All women, whether supporters of home birth or not, will support birthing choice.

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